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Rainy Day TV Games


TV Bingo (Family Circle 8-7-78)

Bingo cards usually contain 25 squares with the center square FREE. Fill in the others with words to listen for during a program (Such as under, please, rain, answer, mail, etc) or things to watch for (car, cat, toy, plate, train, sofa, etc). Cut or punch out paper circles to place over each square as the item is spotted. Winning card can be five squares in a row diagonally, vertically or horizontally - or every square filled.

TV Race (Family Circle 8-7-78)

Choose one of the following categories* and make a list of examples (things seen or heard) within a certain time period - 30 minutes or an hour, depending on the length of the program. Winner is the one with the most examples.

* Clothing, transportation, sports, colors, food, emotions

Count a word (Family Circle 8-7-78)

Choose a word for each child and have him/her count how many times it occurs in one program or commercial.

TV Pictures (Family Circle 8-7-78)

Draw a picture suggested by a character or scene in a program. Glue it on colored paper for backing, and tape the original artwork to the fridge door.

New Ending (Family Circle 8-7-78)

After you've watched a movie or program, rewrite the ending the way you would have liked to see happen!


Disclaimer: The ideas on these pages were obtained from a notebook that my mom gave me when I had kids. Most of the information in this book was cut from magazines in the 60's and 70's. When possible, I will credit the magazine and published date.

Most of the stuff on these pages require very little parental supervision/intervention. Some of the ideas require using an iron or oven, they are marked clearly (in red). Please supervise your children!!! Groovynet will not be held responsible for any accidents caused by your not watching/helping your kids! Please Be responsible.

Questions? Comments? Email secret.