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MultiPlayer Games

Don't overlook the possibilites of ageless favorites, such as playing "house" or "store". Children will always love them. Keep plenty of play materials handy- blunt pint scissors, string, crayons, blank paper, colored paper, old magazines, paper dolls, scraps of dress material, modeling clay, paste, old clothing for playing "dress up", and macaroni for bead-stringing. Give girls clothespins or spoons to fashion into well-dressed dolls. Teach children to make their own jig-saw puzzles by pasting pictures onto cardboard and then cutting them into pieces. Many parents have learned that boys and girls love to make their own Christmas Cards, Valentines, or party favors. Remember, Musical Chair, Blind Man's Bluff, and Pin the Tail on the Donkey never go out of date.


Musical Bean Bag

Children stand in a circle and pass a bag around circle. When music stops, the child left holding the beanbag steps inside (or outside) circle.

Traffic Lights

One child is the policeman. He stands on a chair and hold up a piece of green paper. All the children run until he holds up the red paper which he has in his hother hand. He alternates red and green (or stop and go) until it is time to change policemen.


One child is "it". He chases the other children until he touches one. Then that child is "it". The only thild he cannot "tag" is the one who just tagged him. (No touchback).

Hiding the Peanut

One child leaves the room and the other children decide where to hide the peanut. When he re-enters the room, the children tell him whethere he is "hot" or "cold" until he finds it.

Who Am I?

In this game, Mom is "it". The children sit on chairs in a circle. the mother stands behind the chair with her eyes closed and feels head, face and arms of the child. She asks questions such as "Pigtails- is it a girl? (Children answer, some say "no"). "Does she have a little brother?" "Is her brother's name Douglas?". "Is she ticklish?" "Does she have red hair?" "Is it Elaine?" (Answer is "yes") Proceed to next child without looking.

Who Is It?

One child leaves the room. A child is selected from the group to be "it". The child returns to the room and tries to find out who is "it" by asking only "yes" and "no" questions, such as "is "it" a girl?" "Does "it" have red shoes on?" When she guesses who "it" is, "it" is the next to leave the room. (this game is for five years and under only)

Woof Woof

While the child who is "it" is in the next room, the others decide who will be the "woof woof". When "it" returns, the children are sitting in a circle with their hands covering their faces. The child selected then says, "woof woof" , trying to disguise his voice and his position. When "it" guesses who the "woof woof" is, the "woof woof" becomes "it".

Cobbler Cobbler

One child stands in the center of the circle with his eyes covered. The other children pass a shoe behind their backs and say

"Cobbler, Cobbler, mend my shoe,
Have it done by half past two,
Stitch it up, and stitch it down,
Now see where my shoe is found

The person in the center guesses who is holding the shoe behind him and then that person is "it". VARIATION: The children can pass a marble from hand to hand while the one who is "it" has left the room. All the children sit with their hands clenched and "it" guesses who has the marble.

Drop the Hankerchief

Children form a circle. One child runs (or walks) around the outside of the circle and drops the hankerchief behind one of the other children. That child picks up the hankerchief and tries to tag the first child before he gets back to his place.

Black Cats and Pumpkins

The children are divided into two groups standing on opposite sides of the room. The pumpkins turn thier backs to the black cats and the black cats tiptoe very near to them and then yell "Pumpkins, watch out!" The pumpkins turn around and try to catch the black cats. The black cats that are caught can either join the pumpkins team or go back to their own team. Next, the black cats cath the pumpkins. This game can be changed with the seasons. It can be Santa Claus and the Reindeers, Easter Bunny & Easter Eggs.

Ring On A String

String a large wooden bead, ring or washer on a long piece of string and tie the string to form a loop as large as the circle of seated children. Players keep string in their hands. "It", in the middle of circle, tries to guess who has the ring as players pass and pretend to pass the ring. When "It" guesses correctly, the child with the ring becomes "It".

Pass the Pillbox

With the children seated in a cirlcle, game is started by placing a small pillbox cover (or matchbox cover) on the nose of a player, who must pass it to the next person's nose without using hands. Players who drop box retire from circle. Game continues until one player remains.

Crazy Pictures

Each child has a pencil and paper. Game begins with everyone secretly drawing a head on top fourth of paper, then folding paper down to hide the head but leaving guide lines showing the neck. Papers are passed, and on the next fourth everybody draws arms and bodies down to the waist. After papers are folded and passed again, the bodies are completed to the ankles. Final step is drawing the feet. After playing several rounds, have an art exhibit of the crazy pictures for lots of laughs.

I Went To Town

With children seated in circle, one player starts game by saying, "I went to town and bought a dress" - or ANY item. The next player might say, "I went to town and bought a dress and a football". Each player in turn must not only repeat each item before adding a new one, but must name them in proper sequence. An error eliminates a player from the game. As the list grows, the game becomes a test of memory and lots of fun. the last player to remain, wins.`

TV Pictures (Family Circle 8-7-78)

Draw a picture suggested by a character or scene in a program. Glue it on colored paper for backing, and tape the original artwork to the fridge door.

New Ending (Family Circle 8-7-78)

After you've watched a movie or program, rewrite the ending the way you would have liked to see happen!


Disclaimer: The ideas on these pages were obtained from a notebook that my mom gave me when I had kids. Most of the information in this book was cut from magazines in the 60's and 70's. When possible, I will credit the magazine and published date.

Most of the stuff on these pages require very little parental supervision/intervention. Some of the ideas require using an iron or oven, they are marked clearly (in red). Please supervise your children!!! Groovynet will not be held responsible for any accidents caused by your not watching/helping your kids! Please Be responsible.

Questions? Comments? Email secret.