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Free Online Gizmos
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Gizmos Aren't Really "Games" but more like "Toys" to play with Online. 
They include Stupid Videos, Silly Cartoons, Interactive Applets. Check them out!

25 Things You'd Love to Say At Work

Bumper Bush Rag Doll
Crazy Auto Insurance Claims Doggie Love How many Dogs..
Kids Random Excuse Generator Snowman
Toddler Diet Three Pigs Wake the Clown
Why It's Good to be a Woman Worm-Hello  


If for some strange reason the games do not load properly on your computer,
Please make sure you have the latest version of JAVA, FLASH or SHOCKWAVE installed.
Click here to make sure you have the latest version of JAVA
Click here to make sure you have the latest version of FLASH
Click here to make sure you have the latest version of SHOCKWAVE

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© Copyright the respective creators
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